By Submitted by: Richard Anderson
Your Words
Personal Experiences

Here is the essay based on the observance of the recurrence and cost of wars during my lifetime.

Here is the essay based on the observance of the recurrence and cost of wars during my lifetime.

How fine might this world have been and how great might it have become, but for the upheaval of cataclysmic war? How much more civilized and humane, how caring and decent, how trusting in love and oriented with virtue? For, of one thing yet may we be assured, that the world can only be poorer today by the lacking, deficient today by the omission of the contributions and hopes of those deceased or disabled by the dreadful decimation of wars which have taken so many of the talented and the brave from out our midst, from off the broken breadth of this peculiar, polluted planet, from space so yet beautiful a distant blue, this our world, our war-torn, weeping world, carbureted under the hungry skies of this so much Hamburger Heaven Earth that so well knows the nature and the ubiquitous loss of un-godly war.
Still, so ever most graciously abetted by blood, it is surely a better world ensconce we here today--for the life, and well-being sacrificed of these ever so valiantly brave, as did they ever so gallantly behave in the preserving of good, in the thwarting of evil--then might else have been attained for this our home of estuaries humane as course the banks and bridges, branches and arms, floes and coves and inlets in and about the lands and seas of the free, of we the peoples yet ardent and free who tread firmly today in both safety and in peace over the clear, cool paths and porticos of freedom with un-leaned-on a deed-- our soldiers having thus secured and sealed these byways in the sacrificial medium of their very human lives.
May we give thanks to God on this, and on all days, for these military women and men, our warriors, our air-men and sea-men, present, past and future who make, have made, and will make clear and safe the thoroughfares of freedom. Thank you, Soldiers, for the most decent, shining and princely of ardencies and for the utterly altruistic magnanimity of your supremely chivalrous sacrifices. "No greater love has a man than this..." And you much more deserve than these, our little medallions and fillets, our bands and cinctures and carcanets, these little stars and hearts and crosses, these shreds of purple and ribbons of blue, cinches and braids of honorary hue bestowed of dignitaries, generals, governors, and presidents -- although prestigiously fitting, these small signs, so quite impelling to discern upon the chests of You, our true heroes-- yet matching not the level of our indebtedness and gratitude to you.

  • Your Words