October 13, 2020

What are you doing to Get Out the Vote?

By The American Legion
What are you doing to Get Out the Vote?
What are you doing to Get Out the Vote?

The American Legion wants to hear how your post is helping lead voting efforts on Nov. 3.

The final countdown to Election Day is near. And the goal of The American Legion and its Get Out the Vote program is to encourage Americans to vote, and to suggest activities on how American Legion posts can increase voter turnout.

The American Legion’s Get Out The Vote program encourages Americans to exercise their right to vote and help others understand the importance of the electoral process. The program suggests activities on how American Legion posts can increase voter turnout such as calling potential voters to get to the polls, volunteer in their communities by providing rides to and from the polls if necessary, use social media to share information about poll locations and times, and place newspaper ads or public service announcements in local media that promote registration and voting.

Download The American Legion's "Vote, America" publication for ideas on how you or your post can participate at the local level with GOTV efforts.

Does your American Legion post have plans to support and promote Election Day, Nov. 3? If yes, please share what those plans are by sending an email to crichardson@legion.org or sharing on www.legiontown.org. As a reminder, you can wear your American Legion cap to the polls to vote, but in doing so remember not to wear any political campaign materials.

  • Vote