May 01, 2024

Circles of support

By The American Legion
Veteran Support
Circles of support
Wyoming Legionnaires staff a table at the 2023 Veterans' Fair. (Photo via Craig Blumenshine)

Wyoming military museum hosting second annual Veterans’ Fair, with more than 50 partners.

On Saturday, May 25, American Legion Department of Wyoming Commander Douglas Johnson will represent the organization at the second annual Veterans’ Fair hosted by the National Museum of Military Vehicles. The museum, located near Dubois, first opened in August 2020. Its missions are to honor and educate about military service, which it does partly through displaying historic military vehicles.

Craig Blumenshine, the museum’s director of communications, stated, “This is a significant event. (We’re) just very proud to do it. We want to make sure as many veterans as possible have access to it and know about it.”

The theme for 2024 is “Circles of Healing, Service and Growth.” More than 50 partners will offer assistance in health, careers, suicide prevention, and many other resources, as well as demonstrations of and rides in the vehicles. The fair begins at 8 a.m., and admission is free.

Other notable speakers will include Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon, retired Army Brig. Gen. Henry Huntley and other VA officials, and more. In addition to many state agencies, the Red Cross will have several booths touting everything from Reconnection Workshops for military families to emergency preparedness for children. And attendees can have encounters with animals – goats, dogs, horses and owls – and virtual reality simulators.

Learn more about the Veterans’ Fair here.


  • Veteran Support