July 29, 2015

Legion survey to measure effectiveness of PTSD/TBI treatment

By The American Legion
Veterans Healthcare
Legion survey to measure effectiveness of PTSD/TBI treatment
Legion survey to measure effectiveness of PTSD/TBI treatment

Veterans asked to identify treatment programs they are using and to rate quality, access and timeliness of care.

The American Legion is conducting a national online survey of veterans and their families through Aug. 16 to assess quality, timeliness, access and type of care the Department of Veterans Affairs is providing for those coping with post-traumatic stress disorder and/or traumatic brain injury.

The 59-question survey – www.surveymonkey.com/s/9JJKVQ9 – will be used to guide The American Legion’s PTSD/TBI Committee and provide an understanding of veteran satisfaction about VA mental health care for a national American Legion PTSD/TBI Symposium in Washington Sept. 26-27. Questions are mostly multiple-choice and can be answered with a single click from a dropdown menu.

All information obtained through the survey will be kept confidential and will be used for no other purpose than to better understand VA performance in this area of care.

The survey focuses on veteran satisfaction and levels of perceived benefits with VA’s PTSD/TBI programs, including alternative and complementary treatments.

Survey questions include veteran status; gender; era of service; number of times deployed; diagnosis of TBI, PTSD and/or TBI and PTSD; availability of appointments; time and distance to care facilities; treatment type (therapy, medication and complementary and alternative medicine); reported symptoms; efficacy of treatment; and side effects.

Personal information will not be used or made available to identify any individual who has completed the survey.


  • Veterans Healthcare