May 06, 2014

Dellinger heads to Phoenix

By The American Legion
  • Veterans Healthcare
Dellinger heads to Phoenix
Dellinger heads to Phoenix

The Legion's national commander will join members of the Legion's System Worth Saving Task Force at a town hall meeting.

American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger will join members of the Legion's System Worth Saving (SWS) Task Force at a town hall meeting in Phoenix on May 13. The meeting, open to the public, will focus on the quality of health care veterans are receiving from the Phoenix VA Health Care System.

The SWS team will also conduct a site visit at the Phoenix VA facility May 14-15 where they will interview key administrators, medical staff and patients to hear firsthand about issues veterans are currently experiencing at the facility. Other attendees will include representatives from Concerned Veterans for America, Disabled American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

The town hall meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Tony F. Soza-Ray Martinez Thunderbird Post 41, 715 S. 2nd Ave., in Phoenix. Those who have served in the U.S. military, especially veterans receiving health care at the Phoenix VA facility, are encouraged to attend.

On May 5, Dellinger called for the resignation of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, saying that his tenure is "a story of poor oversight and failed leadership." He also called for the resignations of Robert Petzel and Allison Hickey, VA's under secretaries for health and benefits, respectively.



  • Veterans Healthcare