October 01, 2019

Share your Veterans Day plans with us

By The American Legion
Veterans Day
Share your Veterans Day plans with us
Share your Veterans Day plans with us

American Legion posts, districts and departments conducting Veterans Day events encouraged to share those plans in advance with national American Legion media.

With Veterans Day less than six weeks away, many American Legion posts are well into planning for various ceremonies and events. Once again, The American Legion National Media & Communication Division is looking for potential coverage opportunities.

If your post, district or department is in a Veterans Day event, please share it with us. Email sbrooks@legion.org with details that include the time, date, location and what the event will entail. We’ll be looking for events to cover in person; other events will be featured in an advance Veterans Day story and follow-up after the events have concluded.

Posts, districts and departments also are encouraged to share stories and photos of their Veterans Day events on Legiontown. And remember that if you are conducting an event and in need of a speech, we have one available for download. The speech is not meant to be recited verbatim; members are greatly encouraged to amend them to taste and audience.

  • Veterans Day