November 11, 2013

View Veterans Day Parade on TV

By The American Legion
  • Veterans Day
View Veterans Day Parade on TV
View Veterans Day Parade on TV

Ten major markets will broadcast the New York City event; Legionnaires still welcome to march.

Organizers of the nation’s largest Veterans Day parade – America’s Parade – in New York City are still encouraging American Legion Family members to participate.

Those interested in marching with the Legion Family delegation should send an email stating their intent to Details about the Legion contingency will be posted online here as they become available.

Legion 9/11 Memorial Post 2001 Commander Sean Powers, coordinator for the Legion Veterans Day Parade contingent, says participants should wear their Legion caps during the 1.3-mile march and dress appropriately. "Dress your best while considering not only the weather conditions but any physical limitations you may have," he advised.

The long-range forecast calls for mild temperatures on Veterans Day in New York City. The high is expected to be 51 with partly cloudy skies and a minimal chance of rain.

Those who are unable to march in the parade can watch it on television. The Nov. 11 event will be broadcast to millions of Americans on Fox Television’s MyNetwork TV from noon until 3 p.m. local time, reaching viewers in 10 of the largest U.S. television markets. Visit for more info.

Those 10 markets and the affiliated stations are:

New York Metro –  FOX5 (WNYW)

Baltimore – MyTV Baltimore (WUTB)

Chicago – My50 (WPWR)

Dallas/Fort Worth – My27 (KDFI)

Houston – My20 (KTXH)

Minneapolis/St. Paul – My29 (WFTC)

Los Angeles – My13 (KCOP)

Orlando/Daytona Beach – My65 (WRBW)

Phoenix – My45 (KUTP)

Washington, D.C. – My27 (WDCA)





  • Veterans Day