September 03, 2013

Legion on Syria: Proceed with caution

  • National Security
Legion on Syria: Proceed with caution
Legion on Syria: Proceed with caution

National Commander Dellinger: ‘American national interests should be clearly identified and defined before military action is taken.’

American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger is urging Congress to consider national interests carefully before deciding whether or not to take military action against Syria.

"While we have not addressed the Syrian situation as such, we commend Congress for its due diligence under its Constitutional authority," Dellinger said. "The American Legion also urges Congress and President Obama to be guided in their decisions by principles outlined in our organization’s relevant resolutions. That is, American national interests should be clearly identified and defined before military action is taken."

A vote is expected as early as next week by members of the U.S. House and Senate on the issue. In the meantime, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will be conducting its first hearing on Syria today; Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey are scheduled to testify.

  • National Security