November 23, 2021

Join the Tango Alpha Lima podcast

By The American Legion
  • Podcast

Mark Seavey will soon be departing his duties as co-host. We’re reviewing submissions for those who would like to volunteer to be on the podcast as a guest host.

American Legion podcast co-host Mark Seavey will soon be stepping aside from his duties for Tango Alpha Lima as he turns his attention full-time to his National Judge Advocate responsibilities. The podcast will continue with co-hosts Jeff Daly and Ashley Gorbulja-Maldonado, who open this week’s episode with a recap of their appearance at the New York City Veterans Day Parade

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to be a guest host, please fill out this form. We’ll review submissions and follow up with potential next steps.

Seavey is away for this week’s episode but will return. In this new episode, the co-hosts tackle a variety of issues including:

• The Connecticut National Guard, collective bargaining rights and whether the issue will affect the guard’s readiness. “I don’t think it’s conducive for a functioning military culture,” Daly says. “And it’s a huge waste of time.”

• A new report suggesting that the increase in troops’ pay could cause a decline in readiness.

• A murder charge indictment at Fort Hood, Texas, alleging a soldier killed a fellow soldier who was the mother of his child.

Check out this episode and nearly 100 other Tango Alpha Lima podcasts, available at this web page. You can also download them on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or other major podcast-hosting sites. You can also view all of the episodes on the Legion’s YouTube channel.

  • Podcast