The BV War Memorial Building covers all conflicts from WW I to present. It was dedicated on 31 Dec 1954, having been completed just before dedication. The Floyd-Davidson American Legion Post 126 holds their meetings here. It is a 1-story cinderblock, bricked structure with over 7,000 square feet. It has 3 entrances, of which 2 face Magnolia Avenue & the back entrance faces the alley. There is over 1,000 square feet of storage space over the main entrance, the office and 2 restrooms. The main hall is 100 ft X 50 ft where most of the Legion functions are held. There is a 50 ft X 116 ft basement under the main part of the building where the Boys Scouts used to hold meetings & training. There is a kitchen & dining area to the left of the main hall. The building is over 62 years old.
Installation Date:
31 Dec 1954
Organization Responsible for Installation:
The Buena Vista War memorial Building was built by W.W. Coffey & Sons, general contractor, Lexington, VA with funds collected by Floyd-Davidson American Legion Post 126 members from selling bonds.
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Persian Gulf
- Panama
- Lebanon/Grenada
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
1953 Magnolia Avenue, Buena Vista, Virginia 24416-0126.