The Girard College Boy rising from his knee with uplifted face, clasping in his hands the sword of service and ready to offer it to his country. "Motherhood "...her fingers lightly placed upon his shoulder, dedicating him to his work". And in her other hand a wreath that she will place upon the brow of the victor. Dedicated 1932 between Merchant and Mariner Halls; 298 served, 29 died in WW I. 1946 May - Founders Day - re-dedicated for WW II alumni that died (67) for the country. Monument moved to east side of Founders Hall. 1974 - Founders Day - re-dedicated for Korea (three died) and Vietnam (five perished) dead. 1993 May 22 - Founders Day - bronze plaque with 66 names of WW II alumni that paid the supreme sacrifice (one name missing) presented by Class of 1943 - "To honor Girardians who died for their country in World War II - We'll not forget you, till our hearts be still." 2017 May 20 - Founders Day - bronze plaque with five that died in Vietnam dedicated at war memorial.
Installation Date:
20 May 1932
Organization Responsible for Installation:
"Early Eighties" Girard College alumni chapter
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
Girard College campus, east side of Founders Hall 2101 S. College Avenue Philadelphia PA 19123