This memorial is dedicated to all members of Easton High School in Easton, Pennsylvania who served in Vietnam and their names are engraved on solid black granite panels corresponding to the year of graduation. The center plaque is dedicated to the eight heroes who gave their all. The Pledge of Allegiance is engraved on the cap of the memorial and that is topped with the Battlefield Cross. There are benches around the site to relax on. This memorial was funded by private donations and fundraisers. No tax money or school taxes were used to build this memorial. The high school school board and community were 110% behind this project. This memorial was erected and paid for in three years with over $180,000 raised. We have now turned the upkeep over to the school district. All excessive money that was left over was donated to the high school for maintenance and upkeep.
Installation Date:
01 Jul 2015
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Easton Area High School Vietnam War Memorial
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
Memorial Condition:
Easton Area High School 2601 Wm.Penn Highway Easton, PA 18042