Library Park Veteran’s Memorial

Library Park Veteran’s Memorial
This is a two-part memorial. The first was dedicated to those who fought in the Civil War and was erected in 1903. The women’s auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic, known as The Women’s Relief Corp, was responsible for this part of the memorial. In June of 2009, the Vietnam Veterans of America Mid Valley Chapter 585 erected the flag pole. It was donated in memory of all veterans. The grounds are maintained by the City of Brownsville, Oregon and the flags and flag pole are maintained by The American Legion Department of Oregon, Travis Moothart Post 184.

Installation Date:

30 May 1903

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Womens Relief Corp John F Miller No.15

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Other

Memorial Condition:



Intersection of Park Street and Averill Street Brownsville, Oregon, 97327