Patriot Park - Del City, Oklahoma War Memorial

Patriot Park - Del City, Oklahoma War Memorial
The Del City War Memorial was dedicated at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1995, in honor of all veterans, and displays the names of 21 Del City veterans who paid the supreme sacrifice. It is a tall vertical reddish granite obelisk (pillar), resting on a concrete pad, at the end of a central concrete walk leading to the memorial. The walkway branches off the main walk and circles the memorial before extending to other memorials. The monument is set among shrubbery, floral plantings, rocks, and 3 flagpoles flying the American, State of Oklahoma, Service (Blue Star), and POW/MIA Flags. Two concrete benches are situated in front of the monument along the walkway, and a concrete stand with a dedicatory bronze plate is placed at the end of the central walk in front of the memorial. Two floodlights are used to illuminate the Memorial and flags at night. The top face of the obelisk features 4 stars displayed at the 4 cardinal compass points, and an incised emblem depicting an American Eagle, in front of crossed American Flags, on a shield of the Coat of Arms of the United States, grasping an olive branch and a bundle of arrows in its talons, and resting on crossed scrolls. Below the Eagle emblem is incised the title of the Memorial: DEL CITY WAR MEMORIAL and the wording: IN HONOR OF ALL VETERANS. Next, follows the following sentiment: “Engraved in our hearts as well as on this stone are the names of those who paid the supreme sacrifice.” The names of 21 Del City war veterans who were killed in service to their country are recorded. On the short concrete stand in front of the Memorial is a bronze plaque with the following wording: “Dedicated 11-11-11-1995 Contributed by citizens and friends of Del City Engineer Don Vick Contractor Cherry Scott & Son Concrete, Inc. War Memorial Committee” (Note: A total of 10 committee members are then listed) (Note: Del City is a city in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, with a population of some 22,008 (2014), is part of the Greater Oklahoma City (OKC) Metropolitan Area, and borders southeast OKC, Midwest City, and Tinker Air Force Base.) (Note: Patriot Park is the site of annual Veterans Day Ceremonies in which Active and Reserve Component military units and individuals, Veteran Service Organizations, civic, governmental, and fraternal organizations, local businesses, citizens, youth groups, and veterans participate. The park is a very veteran-friendly environment. In addition, it provides reserved parking for combat wounded veterans visiting the facility and memorials.) (Note: The Blue Star symbol is borrowed from a World War I tradition to recognize serving members of the Armed Services. That tradition continues with a blue 5-pointed star centered on special banners (flags) with a white field and red border. The banner is typically displayed in homes, to denote a family member actively serving in a war or during a period of armed conflict. Patriot Park currently flies a Service Flag which is also known as a Blue Star Flag.) (Note: The POW/MIA flag consists of a black silhouette of a prisoner of war (POW) before a guard tower with guard, and a strand of barbed wire on a white disc. The letters “POW” and “MIA” frame a 5-pointed star, and appear above the disc. The disc rests on a black and white wreath, and the words “You Are Not Forgotten” appear below the wreath in white. All features are on a black field overall. The flag was created and then officially recognized by Congress in conjunction with the Vietnam War POW/MIA issues. It has become a symbol for POW/MIA veterans from all American wars. Congress has mandated that the flag be flown by designated Federal agencies on 6 holidays: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, National POW/MIA Recognition Day, and Veterans Day.) (Note: There have been POW/MIAs in every American war and in most large-scale military operations. Over time, personnel in these categories are “accounted for” by procedural guidelines and the numbers diminish. Therefore, current MIA totals do not necessarily reflect “missing” individuals, but rather personnel who have “not been accounted for” under the guidelines. In 2017, over 1600 Americans are still unaccounted for, from the war in Southeast Asia [e.g. Vietnam].)

Installation Date:

11 Nov 1995

Organization Responsible for Installation:

City of Del City, Oklahoma & War Memorial Committee & Citizens and Friends of Del City

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Other
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:




Patriot Park, 4505 S.E. 15th Street, Del City, Oklahoma County, OK 73115. The Memorial is located in the southwest corner of Patriot Park, north of 15th Street and east of the main entry road into the Park complex. It is the first memorial on the right (east), after entry off 15th street. It also sits opposite the Del City Community Center complex, across the entry road, on the east lawn.