Mayes County War Memorial, Pryor, Oklahoma

Mayes County War Memorial, Pryor, Oklahoma
The memorial is a vertical gray granite monument with two flag poles on either side. One flag pole has a United States American flag and the other flag pole has an Oklahoma flag. A sidewalk surrounds the memorial and two concrete staircases on the south from the lower ground area. The memorial has a flag and an eagle engraved at the top. Inscription: “In memory of our comrades of Mayes County, who made the supreme sacrifice for God and country and were never returned to their native soil / Sullivan-Lewis Post 182”. Beneath the inscriptions are the names of 34 veterans with rank who made the supreme sacrifice.

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Sullivan-Lewis American Legion Post 182, Pryor, OK

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • WWII
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



Graham Memorial Cemetery Oklahoma 20 Pryor, Oklahoma 74361