A black granite monolith monument that has the words "Least We Forget" at the top. Followed by American flags and an eagle. The name of the memorial follows: "Grant County Veterans Memorial" The emblems of 4 US Armed branches of service are engraved on the black granite. In the area is a 8 inch (203 mm) M110 self-propelled Howitzer which was the largest available self-propelled Howitzer in the United States Army's inventory. Consisting of a M115 203 mm Howitzer installed on a purpose built chassis, it was deployed in division artillery in general support battalions and in separate corps- and army-level battalions. Missions include general support, counter-battery fire, and suppression of enemy air defense systems. Below the Howitzer is a small marker that says "In memory of ALL GRANT COUNTY VETERANS Dedicated June 27, 1996.
Installation Date:
27 Jun 1996
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Grant County, Oklahoma and Medford American Legion Post 37
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
Grant County Court House Medford, Oklahoma