A two piece marble top adorns a three tier granite base that sits on concrete slab. The base is 50 inches high with the bottom tier roughly 82 inches square, the middle tier roughly 66 inches square and the top tier roughly 52 inches square. The marble section with inscriptions is 36 inches long, 17.75 inches wide and 35 inches high. On top of this the second piece which is shaped like a hip roof. It adds 16 to 20 inches to the total height. The marble shaft was reported to weigh 4,600 lbs. Southwest: ERECTED / IN HONOR OF THE GALLANT / SOLDIERS FROM / RUTHERFORD COUNTY N.C. / WHO SERVED IN THE / WORLD WAR APRIL 6, 1917 / NOVEMBER 11, 1918 / THEY OFFERED THEIR LIVES / UPON THE ALTER OF / WORLD FREEDOM Northeast: ERECTED / IN HONOR OF THE GALLANT / SOLDIERS FROM / CLEVELAND COUNTY N.C. / WHO SERVED IN THE / WORLD WAR APRIL 6, 1917 / NOVEMBER 11, 1918 / THEY OFFERED THEIR LIVES / UPON THE ALTER OF / WORLD FREEDOM
Installation Date:
04 Jul 1921
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Julius Plato Durham Withrow
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
The monument can be found at 4475 Hollis Road nine miles north of Ellenborough, NC.