The 40 foot tall monument rests on a base holding bronze plaques that depict major battle scenes from World War I, World War II, and the Korean War in bas-relief. A bronze "eternal flame" sits above the plaques. Lady Liberty, dressed in classical garb, stands at the top of the monument; she steps forward with her right leg while holding a palm frond high in the air with both arms, symbolic of both peace and victory. Flags of the armed forces (Army, Navy, Cost Guard, Air Force, and Marines) are arrayed on top of four pillars behind the monument. The monument honors North Carolina veterans of World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. In addition, the monument memorializes the 2,375 North Carolina soldiers who died in WWI, the 8,910 in WWII, and the 2,965 in the Korean War. THIS MEMORIAL IS DEDICATED / TO THE HEROIC MEN AND / WOMEN OF NORTH CAROLINA / WHO SERVED IN AMERICA’S / WARS. AS LONG AS THE FLAME / OF FREEDOM BURNS, THE / MEMORY OF THEIR SACRIFICE / FOR PEACE SHALL ENDURE. Bronze plaque: MEMORIAL TO VETERANS OF WORLD WAR I / WORLD WAR II AND THE KOREAN WAR / ERECTED 1990 / VETERANS' MEMORIAL COMMISSION MEMBERS / CHAIRMAN - BILLY RAY CAMERON / CO-VICE CHAIRMAN - JOHN T. BODE, JOHN H. THOMPSON, JR. / ZEB ALLEY, ARTHUR LEE ASHBURN III / WILLIAM C. COX, CHARLES T. CARPENTER, JR. / K.P. JOHNSON, FRED T. HOWELL / DANNY MOODY, HARLAN LABAR / CLIFFORD L. ROBERTS, W. DUDLEY ROBBINS / E.T. TOWNSEND, LAWRENCE O. WALSER, SR. / SCULPTOR-DESIGNER RICHARD H. AMLUNG, BUILDER JOYNER’S MEMORIAL INC. Bronze plaque, left section: MAJOR ENGAGEMENTS OF WORLD WAR I / CAMBRAI, AISNE-MARNE. MEUSE-ARGONNE / SOMME DEFENSIVE, SOISSONS, MONTFAUCON / LYS, OURCQ RIVER, ST. QUENTIN / AISNE, SERGY, BLANC MONT / CANTIGNY, VESLE RIVER, BOIS DE FORET / CHATEAU-THIERRY, SOMME OFFENSIVE, CUNEL HEIGHTS / BELLEAU WOOD, OISE-AISNE, ROMAGNE HEIGHTS / NOYON-MONTDIDIER, YPRES-LYS, VITTORIO-VENETO / CHAMPAGNE-MARNE, JUVIGNY, BARRICOURT HEIGHTS / ST. MIHEIL Left section of second small base: WORLD WAR I / 1917-1918
Installation Date:
27 May 1990
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Veteran's Memorial Commission funded by the N.C. General Assembly
Memorial War Era(s):
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
The north grounds of Capitol Square at the Capitol building in Raleigh, NC.