Jacques MacConnell (James McConnell) Memorial

Jacques MacConnell (James McConnell) Memorial
The original plaque was sent from France around 1917 to honor the service of Jacques MacConnell (James McConnell), a citizen of Carthage, North Carolina. Prior to the U.S. entry into the war, McConnell began his World War I service with the American Ambulance Corps in France and soon after trained as a pilot and joined up with the renowned Lafayette Escadrille squadron. He died over France during an air battle with German fighter planes on March 19, 1917. AU SERGENT PILOTE AVIATEUR AMERICAIN / JACQUES MAC CONNELL / ENGAGE VOLONTAIRE / DANS L’AVIATION FRANCAISE, LE 27 DECEMBRE 1915. / TOMBE AU CHAMP D’HONNEUR / LE 19 MARS 1917 / DANS UN COMBAT AERIEN / LA FRANCE RECONNAISSANTE. Translation: To the American Sergeant / Pilot Aviator Jacques Mac Connell, / Voluntary enlisted man in the / French aviation / on December 27th, 1915. / Killed in action on March 19th, 1917 / in aerial combat. / The Country of France / will forever be grateful / for your ultimate sacrifice.

Installation Date:

18 Mar 2011

Memorial War Era(s):

  • WWI

Memorial Condition:





The monument sits in front of a stone building at the airfield facing the nearby runway, Gilliam-McConnell Airfield, Carthage, NC.