Brainerd Chapter of the American Legion Riders sponsored by American Legion Post 255 of Brainerd, Minnesota was chartered in October of 2013. Since that time, we have grown and become known in the community and are often asked to participate in patriotic events in the Brainerd Lakes Area. About two years ago at a chapter meeting, the topic of memorials came up with Benghazi as a central point. We decided that it was wrong that these four veterans who sacrificed everything while defending American interests seemed to be forgotten. We decided to rectify that oversight and sought buy-in from state and national legislators and military leaders in the state. Everywhere we turned, the response was that it was too political a topic and that they could not or would not pursue the issue. Being the hard-headed bikers that we are, the chapter decided that we would move forward on our own, alone if necessary as to our minds this was not a political event but honoring fallen veterans. We raised the funds and worked with the leadership at the Minnesota State Veteran’s Cemetery at Little Falls to design a memorial bench honoring the heroes of Benghazi, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Air Force Veteran Sean Smith, Retired Navy Seal Tyrone Woods and Retired Navy Seal Glen Doherty.
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Brainerd Chapter American Legion Riders sponsored by Post 255, Brainerd, Minnesota
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
Minnesota State Veteran's Cemetery - Little Falls 15550 State Highway 115 Little Falls, MN 56345