Well for anyone who has been to the Lisbon Cemetery you know that this secret is not little nor is it a secret to cemetery goers. We are talking about the 4 ton granite Gettysburg Boulder that stands proudly in remembrance of those who served our nation in the Civil War. This quiet reminder of a very pivotal point in our American History stands proudly for all to see. Over one hundred years ago some local residents and the Women's Relief Corps sent a request to have a boulder from Gettysburg for a memorial monument. The first request was in late 1914 and the process took over a year before the boulder was secured. Please read here (https://static.secure.website/wscfus/8335066/2333808/boulder-2.pdf)for a brief story about how the boulder came to be part of Lisbon, this is from our 2011 Cemetery Walk. A special note is that there were only 2 boulders ever removed for the Gettysburg Battlefield. Wording on stone: "This boulder from the battlefield of Gettysburg is here rededicated and reconsecrated to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of the Union Armies of 1861-1865. Erected by the Woman's Relief Corps No 25 - 1916."
Installation Date:
30 May 1916
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Womans Relief Corps
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
Lisbon Iowa Cemetery Cemetery Road Lisbon, IA 52253