Blackberry Memorial Tree

Blackberry Memorial Tree
The Blackberry Memorial Tree was planted in the center of Blackberry Cemetery on May 30, 1926. It was planted by the Rodgers-Bell No. 317 Woman's Relief Corps. A bronze plaque that reads "In Memory of Veterans of All Wars" was attached to a large stone and placed near the base of the tree. This tree has been the location for every Memorial Day service in Elburn since that day. Each year members of the community and The American Legion march to the location where a wreath is placed by the tree, taps is played, and names of deceased veterans are read.

Installation Date:

30 May 1926

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Rodger-Bell No. 317 Woman's Relief Corps

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Other
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



Blackberry Cemetery S. Main St. (Rte 47 and Keslinger Rd.) Elburn, IL 60119 Lat 41.8831952 Lon -88.4713868