Submit a Memorial

Date of Installation

Please enter the date this memorial was installed. If you do not know the installation date, please leave this blank.

Please enter the organization name or the name of the individual responsible for the original installation of this memorial if known.
Please select the war era(s) this memorial is dedicated to.
Please select the condition of this memorial.
Please enter a standard full address including city, state / province, postal code.
Please select the state for this memorial if applicable.

Memorial Photos

Please do not include people in the photos with the memorial. You may add up to 10 photos. A minimum of 1 photo is required to be approved for publication on our website.

Files must be less than 500 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Images larger than 1000x1500 pixels will be resized.

Please enter the website for this memorial if one exists.
Please enter your organization if applicable (American Legion Post, Legion Riders Chapter, Boy Scout Troop, etc.)
Please enter your name.
Please enter the best phone number to reach you (no dashes, for internal use only).
Please enter an e-mail address where we may reach you.