September 30, 2016

Membership door hangers help with recruiting

By The American Legion
Membership door hangers help with recruiting
Membership door hangers help with recruiting

Posts can customize the new membership tool available online for download to recruit new American Legion members.

The American Legion's new membership door hanger tool allows Legionnaires to recruit potential new members at their home, even if they are not there.

The Legion-branded door hangers thank veterans for their service and invite them to be a part of The American Legion to continue serving America. Posts can customize the downloadable membership tool by inserting their website, post name, address and contact information.

While canvassing through neighborhoods during recruitment efforts, Legionnaires can leave the door hangers on homes where a veteran or servicemember may reside – ones that are flying an American flag or have a vehicle with military license plates.

"We mapped out neighborhoods within two miles of our post and sent out volunteers two-by-two and anywhere they saw an American flag flying, or a vehicle parked with a military or veteran license plate, or sticker, we knocked on the door and invited them to join our family," said Paul Norton, vice commander of Post 510 in Indianapolis. "We left the door hangers on doors when no one was home.

"We don't just sign up new members... we invite retirees, other veterans, and still-serving U.S. military to join our Legion Family."

The door hangers support the Legion's strategic plan for sustained membership growth and National Commander Charles E. Schmidt's goal to recruit 100,000 new members for 2016-2017.

Download the door hangers online at

  • Membership