August 07, 2020

Legion's call to action: Close the digital divide for veterans

By The American Legion
  • Legislative
Legion's call to action: Close the digital divide for veterans
Legion's call to action: Close the digital divide for veterans

The American Legion encourages you to contact your representative today to provide veterans access to computers.

Access to technology is vital in today’s working and educational environment. However, many veterans nationwide lack access to computers required for advancing their economic opportunity, education and civic engagement.

Through American Legion Resolution No. 377, Support for Veterans Quality of Life, The American Legion believes that it's time to expand on the federal government’s history of providing surplus computers and technology to education partners by offering training programs to veterans in high-demand fields like computer repair. A newly introduced American Legion-supported bill will do just that.

H.R. 7566, COVS Act, allows for the transfer of surplus computers to nonprofit computer refurbishers who will offer training programs on the use of computers and technology equipment to veterans, as well as provide those refurbished computers to veterans for continued use. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of these programs and help bridge the digital divide that many veterans face.

The American Legion encourages you to contact your representative today to tell them to support H.R. 7566 to help close the digital divide.

Send your message here.

  • Legislative