November 30, 2012

House leadership set for 113th Congress

By The American Legion
  • Legislative
House leadership set for 113th Congress
House leadership set for 113th Congress

Boehner to serve as House speaker again; Pelosi Democratic leader.

The House of Representatives leadership positions for the 113th Congress have been determined.


Speaker of the House:

John Boehner, Ohio

Majority Leader:

Eric Cantor, Va.

Majority Whip:

Kevin McCarthy, Calif.

Conference Chairman:

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Wash.

NRCC Chairman:

Greg Walden, Ore.

Policy Committee Chairman:

James Lankford, Okla.

Conference Vice-Chair: Lynn Jenkins, Kan.

Conference Secretary:

Virginia Foxx, N.C.

Sophomore Representative:

Tim Scott, S.C.

Freshman Representative:

Ann Wagner, Mo.


Democratic Leader:

Nancy Pelosi, Calif.

Democratic Whip:

Steny Hoyer, Md.

Assistant Democratic Leader:

James E. Clyburn, S.C.

Democratic Caucus Chairman:

Xavier Becerra, Calif.

Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman:

Joseph Crowley, N.Y.

Committee Chairman (all Republican)


Frank Lucas, Okla.


Hal Rogers, Ky.

Armed Services:

Howard "Buck" McKeon, Calif.


Paul Ryan, Wis.

Education and the Workforce:

John Kline, Minn.

Energy and Commerce:

Fred Upton, Mich.

Financial Services:

Jeb Hensarling, Texas

Foreign Affairs:

Ed Royce, Calif.

Homeland Security:

Mike McCaul, Texas


Mike Rogers, Mich.


Bob Goodlatte, Va.

Natural Resources:

Doc Hastings, Wash.

Oversight and Government Reform:

Darrell Issa, Calif.


Pete Sessions, Texas

Science, Space, and Technology:

Lamar Smith, Texas

Small Business:

Sam Graves, Mo.

Transportation and Infrastructure:

Bill Shuster, Pa.

Veterans’ Affairs:

Jeff Miller, Fla.

Ways and Means:

Dave Camp, Mich.

Chairmanship selections for the House Administration and Ethics Committees will be announced at a later date.

  • Legislative