November 22, 2012

Award tomorrow's military leaders

By The American Legion
Award tomorrow’s military leaders
Award tomorrow’s military leaders

The Legion’s new Military Commitment Certificate of Commendation honors high school graduates who choose to serve their country.

The American Legion appreciates the decision of many high school graduates who choose to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces immediately following high school. The Legion believes that these young men and women who choose to protect our freedom deserve our respect, admiration and gratitude. To show our appreciation, the Legion has created the Military Commitment Certificate of Commendation.

Departments and posts are encouraged to support tomorrow’s military leaders by awarding the certificate to local students who intend to enlist or pursue commissions upon graduation. To purchase the Military Commitment Certificate of Commendation for $1 apiece, visit here or call (888) 453-4466 and reference Item 733.140. 

Emails have been sent to department commanders, adjutants and service officers informing them of the new certificate. Additionally, attendees of the 2013 National Association of Secondary School Principals and National School Board Association annual conventions will receive material on the certificate in their registration packets.

  • Youth