Saying goodbye

By Submitted by: Lane Ramsdell
  • Your Words
  • Personal Experiences

Having just completed Army AIT (Advanced individual training) and headed to Southeast Asia, Vietnam, as a helicopter crewman, I was allowed five days delayed in route for a quick trip home before leaving. My father was a LTC in the Air Force at Kirkland AFB. Mom was in the hospital during my visit and I visited daily. The final night she asked me to not fly while in Vietnam which I agreed to. I kissed her good bye and went into the hallway to say good bye to my father. We shook hands and hugged.

Having just completed Army AIT (Advanced individual training) and headed to Southeast Asia, Vietnam, as a helicopter crewman, I was allowed five days delayed in route for a quick trip home before leaving.

My father was a LTC in the Air Force at Kirkland AFB. Mom was in the hospital during my visit and I visited daily.

The final night she asked me to not fly while in Vietnam which I agreed to. I kissed her good bye and went into the hallway to say good bye to my father. We shook hands and hugged. I felt him tremble as he whispered in my ear, "I know you can't keep that promise but try for her sake". I shook his hand and turned to go, but for some reason, I turned around for one last look and my dad had one hand leaning against the wall, head bowed crying.

His youngest was on his way to combat, flying armed helicopters in Vietnam.

That was the first, and only time, I ever saw my hero do that, and it scared me.

He knew he may lose me and THAT scared him.

Thanks dad for being my hero.

  • Your Words