OPEN LETER - TO THE MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS: Most Democratic and Republican members of Congress are free traders, believe in open borders and a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT," to run our lives. The idea of the United States of America as a sovereign nation, "Under God", is an anachronism, left over from an earlier age. Today, our kids are told they are citizens of the world. I am eighty-two years old now, and don't intend to be around much longer. I have 5 grandchildren and one great, granddaughter.
Most Democratic and Republican members of Congress are free traders, believe in open borders and a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT," to run our lives. The idea of the United States of America as a sovereign nation, "Under God", is an anachronism, left over from an earlier age. Today, our kids are told they are citizens of the world.
I am eighty-two years old now, and don't intend to be around much longer. I have 5 grandchildren and one great, granddaughter. They are my most precious people. Unfortunately, they are growing up in a country that no longer resembles the country
where I was raised. I'm ashamed of what my nation has become.
Never before in my entire life, has my country been in such a horrible mess. Marxist and radical leftist professors, in our best universities, have brainwashed a generation of our kids to believe "socialism" is better than our republic, capitalist, and free enterprise system of government. I watched as 40% of them voted for (socialist) Bernie Sanders during the democratic primaries. Obviously, they have not acquired the basic knowledge of their nation's history. They don't know the "what, how, where, and the why" of their GOD given individual rights.
Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Ho Chi Minh must be dancing in their graves as they watch the internal destruction of America's free enterprise system. A system of freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit - in a competitive system without interference by government beyond regulation necessary to protect the public interest.
The "one world government" politicians want to implement a new form of government for America, based on "socialism". Their system advocates many of the various economic and political theories advancing collective - government ownership and administration of the means of production and the distribution of our wealth.
Obviously, the spirit of Karl Marx is alive in the Democratic Party and no doubt rejoices that his economic plan of "SOCIALISM" has been propagandized in public universities and public high schools, and implemented by the all powerful National Education Association (NEA) teachers union. I blame the NEA and the Department of Education for the disgracefully low rate of education in this country. More and more people are entering college, and fewer, and fewer people are emerging properly educated.
What Marx meant by "socialism" is the forcing of a centralized and controlled economic life upon all persons in a country. It believes the STATE not parents own our children, and it has no room for GOD.
Although, many Americans have heard of Marx's "Communist Manifesto" - most have not read it. The following Marx's ten commandments were taken from "The Political Philosophers", page 510, published by Random House in 1947:
1) Abolish of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2) A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3) Abolish of all right of inheritance.
4) Confiscation of the property of all immigrants and rebels.
5) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State
capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6) Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State..
7) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State.
8) Equal liability of all labor. Establishment of industrial armies.
9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries...
10) Free education for all children in public schools.
After reading Marx's ten commandments on how to control people from birth to death consider the following:
a) Our Federal Reserve Bank has exclusive control of credit and our nations money supply, (Marxist principle # 5).
b) Government regulates licenses for our communication media, and runs our trains.
(Marxist principle # 6)
c) Congress is constantly increasing our taxes as a means for paying the costs of their numerous programs - supporting social engineering and greedy minority special interest groups. (Marxist principles # 2 and 3)
d) Our free public school education system is consistent with Marxist principle # 10. The current democratic socialist party now favors - free college education for everyone.
e) Other Marx beliefs and principles require "abolishes of eternal truths, abolishes all religion and all morality...""Abolishes of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal..." Marx continues "...The bourgeois clap-trap about the family, and education, about the hallowed correlation of parent and child, become all the more disgusting..."
We have a major threat growing in America and especially in our public education system, whereby big government is extending wider and wider control over every aspect of our kid's lives, and what is taught to them. Children are now educated on sex matters in school, instead of the family. Free condoms, and abortions are provided our children without parental notification.
At the university level, we now have professors teaching "multicultural diversity" and "political correctness" which require the suppression of "free speech", the trashing of American history, the founding Fathers, Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
During the 1970s, Vietnam antiwar protest years, student protestors showed their devotion to the ideology of Chairman MAO by holding his "LITTLE RED BOOK" aloft as they conducted sit-ins to prevent other students from attending class. MAO's book of revolution was their bible. These protestors acted like his "RED GUARD". They targeted their anger and aggression at school administrators and any professor who disagreed with them. The 1970s antiwar protestors, politicians, and media won. They helped create Communist North Vietnam's "KILLING FIELDS", and the slaughter of millions of Cambodians, Laotians and South Vietnamese. Instead of being held accountable, they were allowed to become teachers and professors in our public schools.
Today, the "RED GUARDS" are back on our college campuses and a new revolution is going on. A cultural destruction is happening - the wholesale destruction of our Western intellectual heritage, a complete rejection of our founding fathers' principles of this nation, of individual freedom, free speech, personal responsibility and belief in a creator.
Our right to pursue happiness - has now become the right to guaranteed happiness and comfort.
You should know this cultural destruction won't limit itself to college campuses either. These current Red Guards will get involved in every aspect of our society and fundamentally change our nation's political and cultural landscape. Our political leaders
in both parties can no longer remain silent, because silence is consent and acceptance.
No one can deny that the battle for the hearts and souls of our children are being fought in the classrooms of America. In this battle, most educators, and our political leaders are on the other side.
I believe it was the removal of GOD and of voluntary "non-denominational" prayer from our public schools by order of the Supreme Court in 1962, that led to the wholesale breakdown of our "moral" values in our schools. The Court ruled that the First Amendment's "no establishment" clause was part of the 14th Amendment and therefore prohibited the States to allow students in their public schools to voluntarily say together, out loud:
"Almighty GOD, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country."
This voluntary prayer was written specifically to help preserve our kids right to pray, in order to meet standards demanded by attorneys of the so-called "American Civil Liberties Union" (ACLU). From then on, the ACLU has attacked everywhere our right to "freedom of religion," that arises (i.e., in the public square) throughout our country.
Since then, under the prodding of a handful of determined atheists, a secular liberal news media, other agnostics, and in collaboration with a handful of liberal Supreme Court justices, the ACLU succeeded in their great aim of using the power of the law - to remove all mention of GOD and prayer in every public school classroom in America! Snamefully, neither party has fought to put GOD back in our classrooms.
"FOR GOD" or "AGAINST GOD", this once more is the alternative that shall decide the destinies of all Americans. There can be no compromise in the fight to preserve the sanctity of our religious foundations. We must put GOD back in our daily lives and in AMERICANISM!
Abraham Lincoln warned: "the philosophy of the classroom is the philosophy of the government in the next generation."
If Lincoln's warning is true, then America is in deep trouble, and unless she turns back to GOD, America is DOOMED!
Ed Moffitt
2239 Troy Ave. Apt. 6C
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234
- Your Words