Letters to the Editor - Denied

By Submitted by: Elmer Ray Toller Jr.
Your Words

First Amendment 6/1/14 Dear Editor, It has been disturbing for me after reading an editorial by Michael Reagan sometime last year in which he spoke of having met a young, successful American businessman in California during a round of golf who, for some reason, had no idea why there was an American military cemetery in Normandy, France. It truly boggles my mind that such a possibility even exists, as it should for everyone in this country.

First Amendment


Dear Editor,

It has been disturbing for me after reading an editorial by Michael Reagan sometime last year in which he spoke of having met a young, successful American businessman in California during a round of golf who, for some reason, had no idea why there was an American military cemetery in Normandy, France. It truly boggles my mind that such a possibility even exists, as it should for everyone in this country. After all, we're it not for the existence of such a place, or the necessity for it, the likelihood of his current success would as likely not exist! As a person who has always held that particular generation in the highest esteem, I have kept that letter in my thoughts for future reference, and that future has become the present.

Due to a recent turn of events, it seems there is some disillusions regarding the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America that concerns itself with both freedom of speech and freedom of the press. According to that article containing both in its language, it would seem there is a relative connection between them, and therefore find both sides necessary in order for either to exist. Personally, it has always been my feelings that they go hand in hand since we do not reside in....Russia!

The New World dictionary circa 1976 defines freedom of the press as, " freedom to publish any opinions in newspapers, magazines, books, etc., without government interference or censorship. Usually modified to exclude libel, sedition, and obscenity," verbatim. Perhaps some things have been exempted from instruction in our academia, but I find that knowledge too common place to be overlooked! Through the varied submissions I have submitted, there can be none found containing libel, sedition, or obscenity-only the concerns that are deemed important enough for me to express. The love I feel for my country is above reproach, yet the questions concerning the directions it has been going for many decades bothers me greatly, thus my submissions will continue as long as I breathe (get used to it!).

So maybe some re-evaluation of certain opinions should be considered as I doubt there would be either if freedom of speech were nonexistent! When we as people are not allowed our voice regardless of others` opinions, then so many who gave all for this country will be dishonored, and that is intolerable! Someday I will air out some laundry concerning a company that wasted nearly twelve years of my life along with countless other employees, but first, I must come to terms with how such an action as the publication of said laundry will affect those still depending on that (dismal) existence! Suffice to say that the actions taken were unbearable, and to use such dismal treatment including the constant threat of dismissal if anybody disputes them becomes an idle one after a while no matter what the job availability (or lack thereof)level is!

If any employer fails to provide the best for their employees,then said employer has no right to expect more from them than what they give for such considerations (especially when bonuses are bestowed on all levels of management while the hourly workers cannot even expect so much as a raise for their efforts)! Exactly what, or why is it that some people feel they know the best answers without knowing the full scope of the question, or all the different angles relative to the situation? As an NCO in the USAF some years ago, it was stressed to myself as well as others that "you will not ask of others what you cannot and/or will not do yourself," and I feel that to be an honorable code of conduct throughout all phases of life!

In any event, when anyone deprives others of the potential for livable income, then they ultimately deprive themselves a better future through the deterioration of the economic means of free trade (try to see things from all angles for a better picture)! For example, if someone has rental property for business enterprises where the rates constantly increase until no takers can afford it and it sits empty, then how can it be profitable? Maybe our fuel suppliers at all levels could investigate that point of view where instead of record profits at the level they have reportedly enjoyed, how about cutting that profit in half, thus doubling their sales! Then other businesses may enjoy a boon of sorts since more travel could be done, hmm? When more people make money, more people make more money, so on and so forth, and that is the simple math of it all!

  • Your Words