In Kingsfire, a special operations task force hunts an international terrorist and unravels a global plot. Terrorists and mercenaries have forged alliances in blood. Nuclear weapons threaten to destroy entire continents. The world's powers prepare for war. The world has only grown more dangerous. A former Russian military officer, Fedin Romanovich, has attacked the United States. The nation accuses Russia of sponsoring Romanovich. The United States forms a special operations task force. Its mission: kill Romanovich.
In Kingsfire, a special operations task force hunts an international terrorist and unravels a global plot. Terrorists and mercenaries have forged alliances in blood. Nuclear weapons threaten to destroy entire continents. The world's powers prepare for war.
The world has only grown more dangerous.
A former Russian military officer, Fedin Romanovich, has attacked the United States. The nation accuses Russia of sponsoring Romanovich. The United States forms a special operations task force. Its mission: kill Romanovich. The Task Force is led by Captain Ned Gregory, an aging, battered man with outdated morals in a world in which only the fittest survive.
As tensions heighten, the chase for the devilish terrorist reaches worldwide proportions. Domestic struggles for power and new foes threaten to push the world into war. As the world nears the edge, Ned Gregory and his men must choose between finding the face of evil and learning the truth.
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