October 03, 2018

Get Out the Vote for Election Day

By The American Legion
Get Out the Vote for Election Day
Get Out the Vote for Election Day

Election Day is Nov. 6, and The American Legion has resources to help posts encourage people to vote.

Election Day for 2018 is Nov. 6. And The American Legion has several materials to help posts start planning “Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) efforts now.

On The American Legion's voting web page at www.legion.org/vote, there are GOTV brochures for download, sample radio announcements and news press releases. The “Get Out the Vote” brochure provides ideas on how posts can participate in and promote the electoral process in an effort to motivate U.S. citizens of legal age to exercise their right to vote. Legionnaires can serve as poll volunteers, host or participate in nonpartisan candidate forums, place public service announcements in local media that promote registration and voting, distribute GOTV promotional materials and more.

During GOTV promotional efforts, it is imperative to remember that The American Legion is nonpartisan and will not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of any candidate or party. For example, when a Legion post hosts or sponsors a candidate forum or debate, it must be open to the public and all candidates must be invited. Any impression of endorsement or support must be avoided. Individual Legion members may support candidates of their choosing. However, Legionnaires engaged in partisan activities – such as attending a candidate’s rally – should do so without wearing the Legion cap or other Legion attire.

How is your post supporting GOTV efforts? Share on the Legion's website, www.legiontown.org.

Post 962 in Reading, Pa., is hosting a celebration Oct. 7 for newly registered and first-time voters. The post will conduct voter registration; a training session on voting machines; a two-part seminar for people who want to better understand the federal government and how the political system works; conversations on issues such as criminal-justice reform, immigration, the environment, education and health care; and more.

  • Vote