Programs in place to aid veterans receiving health care at VA medical center damaged by Hurricane Sandy.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, VA New York Harbor Healthcare System’s Manhattan facility remains closed. To accommodate veterans’ needs, several phone numbers and programs have been developed to ensure the continuity of care for patients currently displaced. The Brooklyn VA and St. Alban’s Community Living Center and community-based outpatient clinics are all open and functioning normally.
The Manhattan facility, which is in the city’s flood zone, was safely evacuated on Oct. 28, prior to the storm. One hundred patients were transferred to neighboring VA facilities, including the Brooklyn, Bronx and Montrose facilities.
VA officials continue to assess the damage and no timeline for repairs have been established. All employees have been relocated to the Brooklyn VA medical center, St. Albans Community Living Center, and other facilities located throughout the VA healthcare network. Veterans are currently being contacted by Centralized Scheduling to determine alternate VA medical center and community based outpatient clinic locations for their healthcare.
An Emergency Pharmacy Refill Program has been established to limit medication interruption for veterans enrolled for VA care. The system can be accessed by going to any big chain pharmacy with your veteran ID card and medication bottle with label (showing a refill date within the last 90 days). Ask the pharmacist to call Heritage Health Solutions Customer Care Center at toll free (866) 265-0124, where a customer care representative will qualify the request by asking a few questions. No controlled drugs will be processed under this program. If a controlled drug is needed, please contact the Brooklyn VAMC Emergency Department.
Below is a list of telephone numbers for veterans to use for information on general health questions, appointments, and for medication refills.
• For medical emergencies, please dial 911.
• VA Nurse Help Line, (866) 940-2877 to speak to a registered nurse if you experience any symptoms or have any health related questions.
• Centralized Scheduling, (877) 877-9267 if you have questions about an appointment at the Manhattan VA or to schedule an appointment.
• Mental Health Help Desk, (718) 836-6600, Ext. 3742
• Pharmacy Call Center, (631) 863-4832
- Veterans Healthcare