Monday, Aug. 28., 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern.
Media Training Workshop
104th National Convention
Charlotte, N.C.
Monday, Aug. 28
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
Charlotte Convention Center, Room 212, Sections A-B, Meeting Level
The Media Training Workshop will be streamed live at https://www.facebook.com/americanlegionhq
(Note: All times are Eastern. Schedule subject to change.)
8:30 a.m.: Welcome remarks
8:45 a.m.: Create Be the One bracelets to promote the Legion's suicide prevention initiative(presented by Cory Brockmann, Department of Oregon commander)
9:30 a.m.: Create and use QR codes for recruiting or fundraising efforts (presented by Holly Lewis, Department of Ohio Gifts for the Yanks Committee chair)
10 a.m.: Download and use the VA PTSD Coach app (presented by John Kirby, commander of Post 14 in Southlake, Texas)
10:30 a.m.: Capture award-winning photos with any camera (presented by Edward Lewis, Department of Florida historian)
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Break for awards luncheon (live stream will pause during this time)
1 p.m.:Get advertisers in print and web media (presented by Timothy Engstrom, Department of Minnesota director of communications)
1:30 p.m.: Ask the best interview questions (presented by Matt Grills, American Legion Magazine managing editor)
2 p.m. Newsletters, part 1: Best practices to designing a newsletter (presented by Media & Communication Commission Chairman Dave Wallace)
2:30 p.m.: Newsletters, part 2: How to increase newsletter open rates (presented by Jason Reed, digital media manager for the Marketing Division)
3 p.m.: How to start a podcast (presented by Patrick and Cathy Fegan, founders of Paddy’s Got Your 6 podcast)
3:30 p.m.: Questions and answers
4 p.m.: Close