Detachments, squadrons and individual members are encouraged to submit award nominations.
Some important deadlines are coming up for Sons of The American Legion awards. Here are details; forms for these awards and more are available here.
Squadron Commander of the Year Award
Nominations for this award must be submitted by the detachment adjutant and received at National Headquarters by the opening of May’s Spring NEC meeting. Nominees must be a member in good standing in the SAL; hold only the office of squadron commander at the time of nomination; demonstrate leadership through action and involvement in squadron activities that benefit his community; and must obtain 100% squadron membership or better by March 15.
Marvin P. Nay Veterans Employment and Education Outstanding Contributor Award
Nominations for this award must be received prior to the May Spring NEC meeting of the Veterans Employment and Education Commission meeting. The award will be voted on at that meeting and presented at the National Convention in August.
Nominees must be a member in good standing in the Sons of The American Legion engaged in the fundraising, distribution of funds or goods, and/or volunteering at an event deemed beneficial to veterans’ employment and/or education, to include homelessness. A detachment may submit more than one nominees, and an SAL member may nominate himself.
All-Time High Honor Ribbon Request
Pursuant to Resolution F3-85, the All-Time High Detachment Honor Ribbon (Red) will be awarded at National Convention to a Sons of The American Legion detachment which has exceeded all previous years’ membership. The form should be reported to National Headquarters when an all-time high for membership occurs for the applicable membership year.
Charles B. Rigsby Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Volunteer of the Year Award
Squadrons should submit their nominee to the detachment adjutant during the detachment convention once the nominee form has been attested by the squadron or post commander. The appropriate detachment officials should select one nominee for award consideration and the detachment adjutant should forward the nomination form to National Headquarters no later than 30 days prior to the National Convention to be considered.
George B. Evans Grassroots Veterans Advocate of the Year Award
This award recognizes an SAL member in good standing who has performed outstanding service and made significant contributions in time and effort to grassroots veterans’ advocacy work. An award may be presented each year to a member who takes on a bold leadership role by building relationships with elected officials who directly impact public policy; by actively taking the message of the national Sons of The American Legion to key media outlets; and by developing strong grassroot initiatives.
Nominations may be submitted by an individual, squadron, district or detachment and are due by July 20.
Snapshots of Service Award
Submitted photos must be based on the Four Pillars of The American Legion — Americanism; Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation; Children & Youth; or National Security — and be in a digital JPG or TIF format. Submissions also will become the property of the SAL; must not have a right of restriction; must contain Sons with their covers or identifiable clothing on during the activity or event and a brief history of the event. Entries must be submitted from a squadron, with a maximum of three photos per category, and submissions must be from the current time period (Aug. 1, 2024 to 30 days prior to the National Convention).
Blue Brigade Award
Any SAL member who signs up 30 or more new members into the Sons of The American Legion by July 22 is eligible for this award.
Membership Recruiter Award
Any SAL members who recruits five new members into the Sons of The American Legion during the current membership year is eligible for this award. Award forms must be submitted by June 30.
- Sons