Join us in Indianapolis or online for the SAL Spring NEC meeting on April 30-May 1.
The Spring Meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Sons of The American Legion is coming up April 30-May 1. I’m excited to be headed back to Indianapolis to meet with the NEC as we continue to advance the SAL and its mission to support our veterans.
A reminder for those of you who won’t be joining us in Indianapolis: you’ll still be able to watch the proceedings on the SAL Facebook page.
Something else I’m looking forward to while I’m in Indianapolis: our next Flying Flags for Heroes event. We’ll be heading to Crown Hill Cemetery at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 30, to place flags on the graves of the many veterans laid to rest there. Among them are many past leaders of The American Legion. It’s our honor to pay our respects to them.
We’re approaching 200,000 flags placed nationwide. I hope you’ll join us if you’re in Indianapolis. And please share your events and results at the Flying Flags for Heroes website.
I also want to direct your attention to a series of PSA videos it was my pleasure to record for the Legion Family. The first one is available by clicking this link; we’ll be posting others over the next few months, so please stay tuned.
And let me also remind you, the 100 percent membership deadline is coming up, on May 11. Thirty-four detachments had reached the 90 percent membership goal on that target date of April 13; outstanding! But there’s still more we can do. Please continue to reach out to bring back former SAL members, and find new members who may not be aware of all the great things the Sons of The American Legion are doing for veterans and their communities.
There is no limit to the amount of good we can do.
We are the Sons of The American Legion.
God bless our veterans.
God bless our military in harm’s way.
And God bless the United States of America.
Michael Fox
SAL National Commander
“Leadership through action, not through position”
- Sons