October 22, 2018

Sons encouraged to share stories on Legiontown

By The American Legion
Sons encouraged to share stories on Legiontown
Sons encouraged to share stories on Legiontown

Share your stories and experiences on The American Legion's story-sharing website.

Sons of The American Legion members are encouraged to share their stories on The American Legion’s story-sharing website, www.legiontown.org.

Since 2009, Legiontown has served as a platform for Legion Family members and veterans to share their stories of ways they are raising their community profile. Whether it's fundraising events for Legion programs, welcome-home celebrations for returning troops or membership recruitment efforts, Legion Family members are sharing their stories and photos of the good they do throughout the year as an inspiration to other posts, squadrons and units.

SAL members can share their experiences and see what other detachments and squadrons are up to at www.legiontown.org/sons.

  • Sons