June 26, 2018

Looking for a few good writers


Are you interested in writing for the Sons of The American Legion’s National Update newsletter?

Are you interested in writing for the Sons of The American Legion’s National Update newsletter?

We’re looking for several SAL members who are good writers, know how to research, write news and feature stories well, and is willing to volunteer their skills in an effort to help us improve the quality of the newsletter.

This is not a paid position.

As a writer for the National Update, you will be given story assignments with deadlines, and provided with suggested story angles and contact information of potential sources from whom you can acquire information, quotes and photos.

Newsletters for organizations like the Sons need to contain a fair number of basic, standard news stories. We want our members to know what’s going on and what might be on the horizon. To that end, there will always be stories that are just about the facts, however, we also want to begin publishing more feature articles that go beyond mere facts. These will be stories that shine a light on the hearts and souls of SAL members who are doing great deeds every day.

If you are interested, please email mpipher@iu.edu or foxy5112@yahoo.com.

Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you.

  • Sons