The 2012 American Legion Junior Shooting Sports tournament prepares to identify its top 30 participants for the national championship in Colorado.
Results are in for the individuals and teams who qualified for the second round of the 2012 American Legion Junior Air Rifle National Championship. The top 30 individuals and top 10 teams in each category, along with all state and region champions, will be receiving target forms this week for the second round.
The second round is the national championship tournament for shooting sports teams because they do not attend the Legion’s Junior 3-Position National Championship in Colorado, Aug. 7-12. However, the top 15 individuals who qualify during the second round in both the precision and sporter category will move forward to the national championship tournament in Colorado.
The target forms for the second round must be postmarked by April 1.
View individual qualifiers and state and region champions and team qualifiers and state and region champions.
- Shooting