Save hundreds of dollars each month and help pay for a college education for children of U.S. military men and women who die on active duty.
You can save hundreds of dollars each month and help pay for a college education for children of U.S. military men and women who die on active duty. That’s a bold claim, but Vernon Williams is confident he can back it up in his book “425 Ways to Stretch Your $$$$.”
A Vietnam War Army veteran, Williams served 13 months in Korea. After his honorable discharge in 1967, he used the Montgomery GI Bill to attend the University of Maryland. He later became a corporate executive, and for the past 16 years, Williams has spent his time as an author, speaker and seminar leader. He is third vice commander of American Legion Post 300 in Columbia, Md.
Williams says that he believes anyone, regardless of income, can save considerable amounts of money.
“There are tips that do not require money to save money,” he says. “For example, the book explains 23 ways a person can cut taxes, 12 ways to cut homeowner insurance costs, 15 ways to save on auto insurance, 51 ways to cut a grocery bill, and 87 ways to slash utility bills. These are expenses all of us face, and the tips in the book are proven winners.”
Purchasing a copy of “425 Ways to Stretch Your $$$$” will help fund college scholarships for children who have lost a military parent on active duty since Sept. 11, 2001.
Williams is offering the eBook version of “425 Ways to Stretch Your $$$$” online for $10 to fellow Legionnaires – a 50-percent discount – and has pledged to donate $2 from each sale to The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship Fund.
- Scholarships