March 12, 2025

Riders chapter prepping for massive annual poker run to benefit veteran causes, honor fallen military

Riders chapter prepping for massive annual poker run to benefit veteran causes, honor fallen military

Florida Chapter 9’s Boots on the Ground Poker Run had more than 1,000 motorcycles and raised more than $130,000 in 2024. 

In December of 2010 while serving in Afghanistan, Army Spec. Kelly Mixon was killed when his unit was attacked by an insurgent used an improvised explosive device. To honor the memory of her son, Julie Mixon Bargeron founded the nonprofit Mothers of America's Military Fallen - Spc. Kelly J. Mixon Foundation. The organization brings Gold Star Families together and offers support for deployed military members.

Three years later, American Legion Riders from Post 9 in Jacksonville, Fla. – which would eventually be renamed Kelly J. Mixon American Legion Post 9 – launched its Boots on the Ground Poker Run to provide financial assistance to Bargeron’s nonprofit and the creation of a memorial. Eighty-eight motorcycles and 123 total participants took part in the ride, which consisted of one route and five poker stops.

And it’s only grown since. The second year saw more than 500 motorcycles participate, while last year’s ride had 1,000 motorcycles and raised more than $130,000 for various veteran charities.

Past Chapter 9 Director Marc Pica, one of three chairmen of the chapter’s Boots on the Ground Committee and commander of Sons of The American Legion Squadron 9, has been involved with the event since its first year, when it came about after Bargeron reached out about fundraising assistance for her organization. The chapter conducted a poker run and then took over all of the logistics of the event the following year.

“It became our event. We weren’t just supporting it,” Pica said. “We had 536 (motorcycles). We were expecting 200 tops. We weren’t ready to have it that big, but we had no choice. He had to adapt and overcome. And it’s just grown ever since.”

This year’s Boots on the Ground Poker Run will take place May 10; Post 9 is hosting, along with Dick’s Wings and Flamingo Lake RV, where the ride begins and ends. There are 15 different routes and 44 stops on the ride, but the event goes far beyond just a charity motorcycle run. The day’s events include a Jeep party (more than 300 took part in 2024), a parade, raffles, live music, vendors and family activities.

And there’s the ride’s namesake: Boots on the Ground. Set up at Flamingo Lake RV will be the Boots on the Ground Memorial, which consists of U.S. flags placed among more than 3,000 combat boots. Each boot has a picture attached to it of a U.S. servicemember killed in action after Sept. 11, 2001.

“It’s important to remember the sacrifice of the people who have died for this country,” said first-term American Legion Riders Chapter 9 Director Chris Pomeroy. “If you look at those boots, each one of them has a picture of a fallen veteran that’s died (post-9/11). It’s important to remember and to pay tribute to their ultimate sacrifice. That’s really what Boots is about. It’s very humbling.”

Pica believes the memorial is the biggest reason for the event’s popularity. “When you see it set up … and ride through it as you leave out for the day, I think that’s driving factor,” he said. “The buy-in by the Jacksonville community … is (another reason). And third, we promote the hell out of it. But I think the memorial is the driving factor.”

Pomeroy, who also serves as Post 9’s finance officer, had been a Rider at another chapter but had been taking part in the Boots on the Ground Poker Run for years. Going from participant to having a key role in organizing this year’s poker run “is daunting. The ride is in May, and in September … we have a big check presentation … and we give out a bunch of plaques to all our various donors. We kick back up in October starting to plan (the next year’s ride). Getting donations … the vendors, the booths. It’s a pretty daunting task, especially when you consider there are a lot of expectations … being involved in something this big.”

This year, the ride and associated events will fundraise for five specific causes: the Florida American Legion’s PROJECT: VetRelief, K9s For Warriors, K9 Line, Inc., Operation New Uniform and Wreaths Across America.

“I’ve sent multiple veterans (to PROJECT: VetRelief) that couldn’t make their rent (or) they’re about to get their electrical turned off,” Pomeroy said. “That organization has been great. And then there’s the other side: end veteran suicide. PROJECT: VetRelief has been a partner of ours for a long time. Helping out our veterans is what we’re all about.

“If you look at a lot of the programs we support … those organizations really try to help out with veterans and their PTSD or just their mental health.”

And through the years, the mission of the Boots on the Ground Poker Run has remained the same.

“To always honor our veterans living, support their families and honor those that have gone on before us,” Pica said. “I think in Jacksonville – Jacksonville is a military town – when you’re supporting veterans, the military and their families, you’re going to get a lot of people to come out and support it.”




  • Riders