August 26, 2020

Legacy Fund donation period extended to Dec. 31

By The American Legion
Legacy Fund donation period extended to Dec. 31
Legacy Fund donation period extended to Dec. 31

Although the 2020 Legacy Run has been cancelled, American Legion Rider chapters, districts and departments continue to fundraise for the Legacy Fund, which can now continue to year's end.

The coronavirus brought the nation to a halt, but it hasn’t stopped the American Legion Family from continuing to raise much-needed scholarship money for children of fallen military and disabled veterans. The opportunity to donate to The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund has been extended to Dec. 31 of this year.

Even with the cancellation of the 15th annual American Legion Legacy Run, American Legion Riders have continued to raise money for the Legacy Fund. Some states have still managed to conduct in-state Legacy Runs. Others are being conducted at the post and district level.

Richland County Chapter 6 in South Carolina reached out to its normal donors and into their own pockets to put together a $19,000 donation for the Legacy Run.

In addition to fundraising efforts at the local and department level, a tiered donation program has been established that entitles donors to various souvenirs from this year’s altered Legacy Run, as has been the case for participants in and donors to previous rides.

American Legion Rider chapters, districts and departments are urged to share how they are fundraising in these strange times. Either email or share your efforts at

  • Riders