April 25, 2018

Rolling Thunder registration deadline May 24

Rolling Thunder registration deadline May 24
Rolling Thunder registration deadline May 24

Events at Fairfax, Va., Post 177 include candelight vigil, Arlington wreath laying and annual Ride to the Thunder.

For the seventh straight year, Fairfax, Va., American Legion Post 177 will be the center of activities for Legion Riders taking part in the annual Rolling Thunder Ride to Freedom. Registration for the May 25-27 event closes May 24.

This year’s event will include a May 25 dinner, POW ceremony and escorted ride to the Vietnam Wall for a candlelight vigil, a wreath-laying ceremony on May 26 and the Legion Riders’ Ride to the Thunder at the Pentagon on May 27.

The voluntary registration fee for the event is $10 per motorcycle and will be used to help cover expenses associated with the organization and execution of this event; any funds left over will be donated directly to The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.

For more information, including local lodging options, click here. To register, click here.

  • Riders