American Legion's Operation Comfort Warriors to present wounded Afghanistan veteran with service dog

Press Release

The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors program will present a service dog to an Afghanistan War veteran who is suffering from PTSD, TBI and seizures. American Legion national officers and Department of Kansas personnel will assist American Legion Post 408 (Derby, Kansas) in the donation to James Harris, a member of Post 73 in Valley Center, Kansas. The presentation will be Thursday, June 18, at 2 p.m. at the Valley Center Christian Church, just west of Broadway on the south side of 85th Street North.

The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors program will present a service dog to an Afghanistan War veteran who is suffering from PTSD, TBI and seizures.

American Legion national officers and Department of Kansas personnel will assist American Legion Post 408 (Derby, Kansas) in the donation to James Harris, a member of Post 73 in Valley Center, Kansas. The presentation will be Thursday, June 18, at 2 p.m. at the Valley Center Christian Church, just west of Broadway on the south side of 85th Street North.

In case of inclement weather, the presentation will take place in the community center next to the park.

Mr. Harris served two tours in Afghanistan, was injured in an IED explosion and received the Purple Heart.

All members of The American Legion Family are encouraged to participate and show support for Mr. Harris.

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About Operation Comfort Warriors: The American Legion's Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) program was created to provide "nonessentials" - items that help wounded warriors' recovery but are not covered by DoD. Previous donations have included equipment for adaptive sports therapy programs, loose-fitting clothing for burn victims, and clothes and essentials for homeless veterans. One hundred percent of donations are turned into gifts for wounded servicemembers. Learn more at

Event contact: Terry Marr, 5th District Commander, (316) 640-4633

OCW program contact: Bruce Drake, Assistant Director, Troop Support, American Legion,, 317-630-1255

  • Press Release