January 04, 2023

What's new in Legion newsletters in 2023?

By The American Legion
What’s new in Legion newsletters in 2023?
What’s new in Legion newsletters in 2023?

Subscribers to Monday Briefing, Commander’s Message and Online Update will automatically be receiving each one starting in January.

In an effort to deliver more timely news and information to American Legion Family members and friends, an expanded newsletter program was rolled out in the first quarter of 2022.

Changes included launching the weekly Monday Briefing and expanding the Commander’s Message newsletter from once or twice monthly to weekly. (Background information on the change can be found here.)

Now the subscriber lists for those two newsletters are being grouped with the weekly American Legion Online Update, which is distributed on Thursdays. 

Here is what subscribers need to know about the changes:

Question: What exactly is changing?

Answer: The content of the newsletters is not changing. However, each of the three will be streamlined and named Online Update. On Mondays, the Online Update will contain the weekly weekend wrapup of the top five stories from the previous weekend. The Wednesday version of Online Update will lead off with the weekly Commander's Message. And the American Legion Online Update will continue on Thursdays as it has for more than a decade.

Question: If I’m already a subscriber, do I need to do anything to receive these newsletters?

Answer: No. If you already subscribe to any one or more of these, you will start receiving each one in early January.

Question: What happens if I unsubscribe from one or two of the newsletters?

Answer: We’re consolidating our email lists to be more efficient. Unfortunately, if you now unsubscribe to any of the three weekly newsletters, you will unsubscribe to all of them.

Question: What can I expect in Monday's Online Update (Monday Briefing) newsletter?

Answer: Monday Briefing always leads off with a recap of the top five stories from the past weekend of interest to the veteran and military community. It also contains links to stories, videos, promotions and ads of interest to American Legion Family members, friends and military supporters.

Question: What can I expect in Wednesday's Online Update (Commander's Message) newsletter?

Answer: The Wednesday version of the Online Update will feature a message from The American Legion national commander about a priority, initiative, program or other topic of vital interest to the organization. Like the other two weekly newsletters, it also will include links to other stories, videos, promotions and ads of interest to Legion Family members, friends and military supporters.

Question: Where can I find out more information about newsletters?

Answer: To check your subscriptions and see a list of all American Legion newsletters, go to legion.org/newsletters. For questions about the newsletter content, send an email to magazine@legion.org.



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