June 10, 2020

New podcast episode tackles race issue, lighter topics

By The American Legion
New podcast episode tackles race issue, lighter topics
New podcast episode tackles race issue, lighter topics

Tango Alpha Lima hosts share their views on today’s hot topics. Download, listen and review the podcast.

In the newest episode of The American Legion’s Tango Alpha Lima podcast, the co-hosts note the long history of the organization and the military as they relate to the rights of black Americans.

Co-host Mark Seavey points out, “The American Legion was founded in 1919. There were African-American servicemembers at the founding in Paris. African-Americans were able to vote and hold office in The American Legion more than 40 years before the Civil Rights Act.”

The hosts also discuss Henry Johnson and the Harlem Hellfighters, the Tuskegee Airman and other notable blacks in military history.

While addressing the current crisis in America, the co-hosts also converse about some lighter topics. For example, Seavey recites one of his favorite quotes from a recent television show, “Cheap enchiladas are like cheap generals. You end up paying for it on the back end.”

Find out what show he’s referring to, as well as their hot takes on more topics relevant to the military and veterans community in the new episode that can be downloaded here.

Don’t forget to rate and review the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher or other platform-hosting sites. That helps others with an interest in military topics, veterans issues and patriotism find Tango Alpha Lima.

For more information and links to all episodes in both audio and video formats, please visit www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.

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