June 10, 2010

Legion supports reforms at Arlington

By The American Legion
2019 history contest winners announced
National Historian James Mariner gives his report to the American Legion National Executive Committee at National Headquarters in Indianapolis on Oct. 16. Photo by Ryan Young/The American Legion

Hill praises Army Secretary John McHugh for ‘decisive action' following report of mismanagement at Arlington National Cemetery.

American Legion National Commander Clarence Hill praised Army Secretary John McHugh for "decisive action," in the wake of an Inspector General's report which revealed mismanagement at Arlington National Cemetery.

"We are disturbed any time we hear that our nation's heroes are treated in an undignified manner," Hill said. "The findings in the report are quite serious, but Secretary McHugh is to be commended for taking decisive action to correct what he called ‘dysfunctional management.' We are pleased that former Sens. Bob Dole and Max Cleland will lead an independent panel to eliminate the deficiencies. Our heroes at Arlington gave their all. We must not fail them. The American Legion offers its assistance to correct the problems."

A failure to automate records reportedly led to the misidentification of remains. More than 300,000 veterans have been interred at Arlington National Cemetery from the Civil War through the current global war on terrorism.

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