The American Legion launched its new Web site Nov. 8, featuring a wealth of new content and a complete redesign.
America’s largest veterans service organization launched a new Web site Nov. 8, bulging with new content and featuring a completely redesigned look. American Legion National Commander Clarence Hill said the new Web site, “is a tremendous addition to our online presence. It’s more informative, better-looking, and easier to navigate than our previous site. I encourage Legionnaires to visit and explore the wealth of content in its pages.”
Initial planning for The American Legion’s new Web presence began in September 2008, according to Hill. The new site includes more than 30 separate landing pages for American Legion programs and activities, including baseball, scholarships, troop support, membership/post activities and the Family Support Network.
Two prominent programs – The American Legion Riders and Sons of The American Legion – also have their own landing pages. Online visitors will also find the Legion’s popular blog site, “The Burn Pit.”
“We’ve got everything there from our COP Keating fundraising drive for soldiers attacked in Afghanistan, to film footage of the Legion’s 1927 National Convention in Paris, France,” Hill said. It’s a very impressive online compilation of what The American Legion is all about.”
The Legion’s new home page features two major stories, headlines and news links that are updated each morning. The page’s new design also includes links to the Legion’s social media such as Twitter and Facebook, to major hubs of Legion activity such as the Veterans Benefits Center and Legislative Action Center, and to the national commander’s Web site.
“Our national staff has worked very hard to create this new Web site as a fantastic calling card to the entire world,” Hill said.
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