April 01, 2019

National Convention preparation underway

By Stephen Shuga, NALPA executive director

The American Legion’s 101st National Convention is Aug. 23-29 in Indianapolis.

Now that we have celebrated The American Legion’s centennial birthday, our mission continues to capture, report and write articles that focus on veterans and promote The American Legion’s next 100 years.

Any American Legion Family member can join the National American Legion Press Association (NALPA). NALPA membership is $15 annually. The membership year is Sept. 1-Aug. 31. As a NALPA member, you’ll receive a press pass/membership card, NALPA stickers, a quarterly newsletter and plenty of encouragement to make a difference through the power of the pen, computer, video and other various forms of social media. 

The American Legion’s 101st National Convention is Aug. 23-29 in Indianapolis. Past meeting minutes and agendas will be posted July 26 on the NALPA website, www.legion.org/nalpa, or through your designated area vice presidents and directors. The following are important dates during National Convention for NALPA members:

Aug. 25, is the annual Executive Board Meeting at the Indiana Convention Center, Level 2, Room 211 from 9:15-10:30 a.m. Please be on time as we have a lot to cover on the agenda.

Aug. 25, is the Membership Meeting at the Indiana Convention Center, Level 2, Room 211 at 11 a.m. The meeting is open to all current NALPA members in good standing. We will start promptly. We have plenty on our agenda to cover, along with our annual selection and election/appointment of officers for the term 2019-2020.

A check-in table will verify your credentials before entering. Have your current membership card with you or get one during check-in. Membership fee is $15 and NALPA pins are $5 apiece. Check or cash will be accepted.

Aug. 26, is the Awards Luncheon at 11:30 am. We have a tentative location but still working on the menu and cost. Please check the NALPA website and Facebook page starting in May, and the summer issue of NALPA for final details and ticket request forms. You may also contact Executive Director Steve Shuga by email, nalpaed18@gmail.com, for updated information as it becomes available. Please make plans to attend and thank this year’s award winners.

Only NALPA members can enter submissions in the designated categories (see page 5) to potentially win for creating and reporting news for our veterans. We are the frontline catalyst for The American Legion membership team.