January 01, 2018

Do you know your why?

By Mark Sutton, NALPA president

We are exploring our why and how to apply it to our mission.

Have you heard of Simon Sinek?  He is the author of a book called “Start With Why.” He has become popular over the years because of a TED Talk he did a few years ago titled “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.” That video is available on YouTube, and I would encourage all of you to watch it.  His perspective on human behavior is enlightening.
Watching that video and others by Sinek has led to a book study by several members of The American Legion’s Department of Michigan Media and Communications Committee. We are exploring our why and how to apply it to our mission.

What does this have to do with the National American Legion Press Association? If we are to be successful as an organization, I believe we need to understand the concepts Sinek puts forth. NALPA members are writers in some form or fashion. We write articles, social media posts and press releases. We edit articles that members send to us before putting them in our newsletters or newspapers. We are writers.

But why?

Who do we want to join as NALPA members?  Do we want those who put a newsletter together? Do we want those who take on the job to fill a position on the officer roster? Or do we want members who want to be better at what they do?

I would think that we don’t just want warm bodies who are filling the position. My hope is that we are able to connect with people like you and I, writers.  

What is your why?

My why is about my fellow veterans, my fellow brother and sister Marines, and my family members who are veterans. The constant roadblocks they come up against in receiving the benefits they have earned frustrates me. I know I can help a fellow veteran, a fellow Marine, or family member roll through those roadblocks and start receiving the help they need. What I do is connect them to the right people in Michigan to accomplish those goals. How I do that is through the resources and programs of The American Legion.  

I am excited each and every day that I work for The American Legion because it is another opportunity to help those veterans.
When I write, my why gives me passion to type. My why gives me energy to continue to write. When I communicate to others, I hope my enthusiasm comes through to others as encouragement to them to be passionate about why they are American Legion members.

I want to encourage you to find your why, develop a story of that why, and then pursue ways to share your why with others.

What is your why?